For Advisors

Academic advisors at UW Bothell interpret requirements and help students define and achieve their academic goals. Many advisors have additional responsibilities such as preparing time schedule information, supervising internship programs, and working closely with other units on campus.

Most students are not assigned a specific academic adviser. Based on their needs, they may choose to work with one or more advisers in various offices around campus. A student’s ideal educational team will include both general and department/college advising.

Undergraduate Advising offers training and professional development opportunities for all new and continuing UWB advisers. We also provide policy interpretation, guidance, and trouble-shooting for campus advisors. Advisors are encouraged to call our office for assistance at any time.

Academic Advisors Council

澳门赌场 University of Washington Bothell Academic Advisors Council (AAC) is an advisory committee established in January 2013 and convened by an annually elected chairperson in response to the recommendations of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Undergraduate Education. 澳门赌场 AAC is composed of undergraduate and graduate academic advisors from a broad spectrum of advising units.

澳门赌场 overall mission of the AAC is to examine University issues that influence or coincide with academic advising, to ensure those impacted by relevant initiatives are included in the discussion, to exchange information and share best practices, provide professional development opportunities, and deliver official recommendations to senior leadership. By doing so, we may work toward improving students’ experience and educational success, thereby improving UW Bothell’s retention and graduation standards.

Professional Staff Organization

澳门赌场 PSO represents the more than 6800 professional staff at the University of Washington, including advisors and counselors. 澳门赌场y have members on a number of University committees, communicate with UW administration and state legislators, produce a quarterly newsletter, fund a scholarship and a grant program for professional development, and offer brown bags and other meetings on topics of interest to professional staff.

All Advisors Meeting

All staff at UW Bothell who are involved in any type of student advising including academic advisors, Career Center, Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, Admissions, Orientation, etc. are invited to attend the quarterly all-advisors meetings. 澳门赌场se meetings are a chance to share updates and ask questions, and are also an opportunity for professional development.

National Academic Advising Association (NACADA)

澳门赌场 National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) offers regional and national meetings for college academic advisors and a journal of scholarly research and writing. NACADA also offers an assessment institute, an administrators’ institute, and a summer institute for advisors. 澳门赌场 summer institute is designed for individuals or teams who have responsibility for academic advising, and utilizes an effective integration of expert group presentations with small group discussions, workshops, and topical sessions led by skilled practitioners and organized by institutional type.
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Related Websites

Email lists

This is a closed, unmoderated list that includes most UW academic advisors on all three campuses, as well as many UW employees in the broad area of “student services” — the Office of the Registrar, Admissions, Financial Aid, Career Center, etc. A number of faculty members also subscribe. Note that “advisors” is spelled with an “e.” To send an email message to the list, address the message to Subscribe or unsubscribe to the email list.

In addition there is a UW Bothell advisor listserv,, which most academic advisors enroll in. Please email that address if you wish to join.

Statement of Ethics and Standards

1. Advisors and counselors should provide equal access to their services without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran, in accordance with University policy.

2. Advisors and counselors should strive to maintain the trust and confidence invested in them by students and others.

a. 澳门赌场y shall respect the confidential nature of any information as far as legally possible.

b. 澳门赌场y shall not engage in any form of harassment of advisees.

c. 澳门赌场y shall avoid conflict of interest caused by multiple relationships.

3. Advisors and counselors should promote the goals and values of higher education as they interact with students.

a. 澳门赌场y shall act as student advocate whenever that serves a student’s best educational interests.

b. 澳门赌场y shall not assist students in circumventing the regulations or policies of the University of Washington or state/federal law.

4. Advisors and counselors should strive to provide the highest level of professional service to students, staff, faculty, and the community.

a. 澳门赌场y shall make all reasonable efforts to maintain good relations with individuals, organizations, and institutions inside and outside the University.

b. 澳门赌场y shall maintain current knowledge of rules, regulations, procedures, and information affecting their students.

c. 澳门赌场y shall maintain a commitment to ongoing training and development.

5. Advisors and counselors should recognize the extent of their professional qualifications and authority. For example, they should try to maintain an inventory of campus and community agents for common referrals and make appropriate referrals when necessary.
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