GFO Bylaws

General Faculty Organization Bylaws

Last Amended in March 2020 by the Voting Faculty of the UWB GFO



In order to exercise the powers granted under Section 23-43 of the University of Washington Faculty Code (herein referred to as the Faculty Code) and to advise the Chancellor as required in Section 23-43.B of the Faculty Code in an orderly and expeditious manner, the faculty of the University of Washington Bothell (UW Bothell) establishes herewith, under Section 23-45.A of the Faculty Code, its organization and rules of procedures.


Section 1

澳门赌场 purpose of the University of Washington Bothell shall be to provide educational opportunities within the larger context of the University of Washington, whose mission is defined in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), RCW, 28 B-20.020 Vol. 1-1, and within the context of the specific mission of the University of Washington Bothell, whose mission is defined in RCW, 28B.45.020.

Section 2

澳门赌场 faculty of the University of Washington Bothell is the campus’ governing body, under Section 23-41 of the Faculty Code.

Section 3

Under Section 13-23 of the Faculty Code, the faculty of the University of Washington Bothell shares with its Chancellor the responsibility for such matters as:

  1. Educational policy and general welfare;
  2. Policy for the regulation of student conduct and activities;
  3. Scholastic policy, including requirements for admission, graduation, and honors;
  4. Approval of candidates for degrees;
  5. Criteria for faculty tenure, appointment, and promotion;
  6. Recommendations concerning campus and University budgets;
  7. Formulation of procedures to carry out the policies and regulation thus established.
Section 3 A

With respect to academic matters, pursuant to Section 23-43 of the Faculty Code, the faculty of the University of Washington Bothell shall:

  1. Determine its requirements for admission and graduation;
  2. Determine its curriculum and academic degrees;
  3. Determine the scholastic standards required of its students;
  4. Recommend to the Board of Regents those of its students who qualify for the University degrees; and
  5. Exercise the additional powers necessary to provide adequate instruction and supervision of its students.
Section 3 B

With respect to personnel matters, the faculty of the University of Washington Bothell shall make recommendations to its Chancellor in accord with the provisions of Chapter 24 and of Section 25-41 of the Faculty Code.


澳门赌场 voting members of the University of Washington Bothell faculty are the voting members of the University of Washington, as defined in Section 21-32 of the Faculty Code, whose primary appointments are at the University of Washington Bothell. Should a faculty member have a secondary appointment at the University of Washington Bothell, then that faculty member must be in compliance with Section 24-34B.9 of the Faculty Code to be a voting member of the faculty at the University of Washington Bothell.


Section 1.

澳门赌场 organized faculty of the University of Washington Bothell is referred to as the General Faculty Organization (GFO). For these Bylaws, “faculty of the University of Washington Bothell” and “the General Faculty Organization (GFO)” are identical in meaning.

Section 2.

澳门赌场 purpose of the GFO shall be to serve as a forum for faculty deliberation and decision-making, and for the formulation and conveyance of advice to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors of the University of Washington Bothell on a wide range of matters related to the mission of the University of Washington Bothell.


Section 1. GFO Chair, Vice Chair, Past-Chair & Terms

澳门赌场 officers of the GFO shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, and Past-Chair. 澳门赌场 Vice Chair’s oneyear term begins September 16 of the year elected and ends on September 15 of the following year. 澳门赌场 Vice Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair for a term of one year (beginning September 16 and ending on September 15 of the following year), and the Chair shall succeed to the office of Past-Chair for a one-year term (beginning on September 16 and ending one year later on September 15). During this term in office, GFO officers may participate in governancerelated activities to represent the interests of faculty during periods outside of their employment contract (e.g., June 16-September 15). However, participation in such governance-related activities during such off-contract periods is not required or expected.

Section 2. Responsibilities

澳门赌场 Chair of the GFO shall have overall responsibility for guiding and coordinating the affairs of the organization. 澳门赌场 Chair of the GFO shall serve on the University of Washington Faculty Senate and the Senate Executive Committee (SEC). 澳门赌场 Vice Chair of the GFO shall chair the GFO Executive Council (see Article V, Section 2). 澳门赌场 Vice Chair of the GFO shall serve on the University of Washington Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy (FCTCP). 澳门赌场 Past-Chair shall serve as the Chair of the Campus Council on Planning and Budgeting (CCPB). All three GFO officers shall be members of the GFO Executive Council (EC).

Section 3. Election

By the end of the winter quarter each year, the Chair of the GFO shall announce an open call for nominations (including self-nominations) for the office of GFO Vice Chair for the next academic year. Such nominations shall be given to the Chair, who shall ascertain the willingness of each nominee to serve if elected. 澳门赌场 Chair shall then prepare a ballot for the position of GFO Vice Chair for the next academic year that includes all willing nominees (as described above). 澳门赌场 winner of the election will be decided by plurality. In the event of a tie for first place, there will be a runoff election between the candidates tied for first place

Section 4. Eligibility

Any voting member of the University of Washington Bothell faculty is eligible to serve as an officer of the GFO, except for the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and any faculty member with administrative duties that include faculty personnel decisions beyond those granted to regular faculty.


Section 1. Responsibilities

澳门赌场 Executive Council (EC) is an elected faculty council of the GFO. Its responsibilities shall be to advise the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors on matters involving academic policy, including priorities, strategic planning, resource and salary allocation, and budgets; and policy regarding faculty promotion and tenure (Section 23-45.B). Additionally, the EC shall advise the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors on the development and implementation of the campus vision statement; on the general welfare of the campus; and, on faculty affairs such as policies relating to the interests of UW Bothell faculty, salaries, professional leave, mentoring, professional development, and standards of academic performance. It is expected that the substantial study and deliberation of matters concerning promotion and tenure policy, , academic standards and curriculum, planning and budgeting, and assessment and learning will be undertaken in the campus councils having jurisdiction over these matters as described in Articles VI, VII, VIII and IX and referred to the EC for final review. It shall be the responsibility of the EC to ensure that such advice conforms with the broadly defined will of the faculty and, time permitting, to refer to the membership of the GFO questions on which the faculty’s will is substantially unknown or unclear. 澳门赌场 EC shall report regularly to the GFO, and as completely as is possible, consistent with the occasional need for confidentiality in its advisory role to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors.

Upon request, the Chancellor or Vice Chancellors shall provide the EC with information concerning salaries, teaching schedules, salary and operations budget requests, appropriations, allotments, disbursements, and similar data pertaining to the UW Bothell campus, as stated in Section 23-46.H of the Faculty Code.

澳门赌场 agenda for EC meetings shall be developed by the EC with input received from individual faculty members, academic units, and the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors. Agenda items must be submitted to the EC chair two weeks prior to each meeting. A copy of the agenda shall be distributed to faculty at least one week prior to each meeting. 澳门赌场 current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority in the deliberations of the EC.

Section 2. Membership

澳门赌场 membership of the Executive Council (EC) shall include the chair of the GFO, the vice-chair of the GFO (who shall chair the EC), the Past-Chair of the GFO (Chair of CCPB), and one representative elected by each school at UW Bothell. For schools with individual divisions or other forms of academic units, the representative must represent all such units from within their school. A representative from the First Year and Pre-major Programs (FYPP) will also be a member of the EC. This member will be a full-time faculty member who also serves on the FYPP Academic Oversight Committee (AOC) and is elected by the members of FYPP AOC.

Elected representatives shall serve a term of service of two years, beginning September 16 of the year elected and ending September 15 two years later, renewable for a second term if re-elected by their schools. During this term representatives may participate in governance-related activities to represent the interests of faculty during periods outside of their employment contract (e.g., June 16-September 15). However, participation in such governance-related activities during such off-contract periods is not required or expected.

Deans, associate deans, and division chairs, or others with administrative duties that include faculty personnel decisions beyond those granted to regular faculty shall not be eligible to serve as EC members.

Section 3. Subcommittees

To assist it in carrying out its responsibilities, the EC may at its discretion establish standing or ad hoc subcommittees, prescribe their powers and duties, and appoint their members.


Section 1. Responsibilities

A. Promotion & tenure:

澳门赌场 Campus Council on Promotion and Tenure (CCPT), as an elected council of the UW Bothell faculty, shall advise the Vice-Chancellor, as Chief Academic Officer, on cases involving promotion and tenure of the faculty in accordance with Sections 24-54.C and 25-41.B of the Faculty Code, and on appointments, in accordance with Sections 24-32 and 24-34 of the Faculty Code, when consultation is needed. In formulating its advice on promotion and tenure, it is directed to study the whole record of candidates in accordance with the broad criteria established in the Faculty Code. It shall also be the responsibility of the Campus Council on Promotion, Tenure to review and, if necessary, propose changes to policies and procedures related to campus-level implementation of University appointment, promotion, and tenure policy in accordance with Sections 13-23.A.5 and 13-31.A.4 and A.5 of the Faculty Code. Proposed changes shall be referred to the GFO Executive Council, which shall determine whether to refer the proposed changes to the GFO for approval.

So that the CCPT can do its work in an efficient and effective manner, it is empowered to propose resolutions or recommendations to the GFO Executive Council, to appoint such ad hoc subcommittees and workgroups as may be necessary to pursue its work, and to request such information and assistance as may be necessary in the pursuit of its work.

Section 2. Membership

澳门赌场 membership of the CCPT shall consist of seven tenured voting faculty members. Each school shall be entitled to at least one representative; the remaining positions are considered atlarge members. 澳门赌场 Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and any faculty member with administrative duties that include faculty personnel decisions beyond those granted to regular faculty are not eligible to serve on this council.

Members will be elected for a term of two years and can be re-elected for two additional consecutive terms, at which point a member cannot be re-elected for at least one full year. In the Spring quarter, the CCPT members will elect one of their members to serve as the chair for the following year (September 16 through September 15). 澳门赌场 term of all other members shall begin September 16 in the year of their election and end September 15 two years later. During this term in office, members may participate in governance-related activities to represent the interests of faculty during periods outside of their employment contract (e.g., June 16-September 15). However, participation in such governance-related activities during such off-contract periods is not required or expected.

Nominations and election of the CCPT shall be conducted annually in the Spring Quarter to replace members whose term expires with the current academic year. 澳门赌场 first election shall be held during Spring Quarter to replace the members of the current Campus Council on Promotion and Tenure whose term expires September 15 of that academic year. For those whose term expires in the following academic year, they shall indicate their availability to complete their elected term. If, for some reason, they cannot continue, a replacement shall be elected to complete the remaining year of their term. Elections of four and three members shall be conducted in alternating years to maintain the total membership at seven, ensure representation from each of the Schools, and provide continuity from one year to the next. Special elections may be held to fill seats vacated by faculty.

For purposes of representation on the CCPT, there shall be two rounds of election:

  1. First election: [campus-wide primary election]
    • (a) 澳门赌场 chair of the GFO shall distribute to all voting faculty members a confidential ballot containing the names, rank/title and primary School affiliation of all eligible UW Bothell faculty.
    • (b) Each voting faculty member may cast as many votes as the number of open positions.
    • (c) Each voting faculty member shall only cast a maximum of one vote per candidate.
    • (d) A designated staff representative of the GFO office will collect the ballots and count the first-round tally, which shall not be released.
  2. Second election: [campus-wide election using the slate of nominees from the first election]
    • (a) 澳门赌场 chair of the GFO shall distribute to all voting faculty members a second confidential ballot containing the names of twice the number of eligible faculty as the number of open positions.
    • (b) 澳门赌场 names on the ballot will be drawn from those who received the highest number of votes in the first election and who have agreed to have their names placed on the second ballot, allowing for additional names in the event of a tie in the last nominated position considered for this ballot.
    • (c) Each voting faculty member may cast as many votes as the number of open positions.
    • (d) Each voting faculty member shall only cast a maximum of one vote per candidate.
    • (e) 澳门赌场 election will be decided by plurality vote, consistent with the requirement that each school have at least one representative. In case of a tie, there will be a runoff election.

Section 3.

Members of the CCPT shall recuse themselves from promotion and tenure cases for which they have participated in their division or school faculty’s review and vote.


Section 1. Responsibilities

A. Academic Standards

澳门赌场 Campus Council on Academic Standards and Curriculum (CCASC) shall serve as a deliberative and advisory body to the GFO Executive Council on matters pertaining to the revision of existing degrees, majors, minors, and concentrations. This council has the responsibility to ensure that academic standards are maintained, and that a record of changes be kept, as they pertain to the UW Bothell schools and campus. Within this area of jurisdiction, the responsibilities of the CCASC include:

  1. Providing advice and information as requested by the GFO Chair and GFO Executive Council;
  2. Submitting to the GFO Chair any report for transmission to the GFO Executive Council.

So that the CCASC can do its work in an efficient and effective manner, it is empowered to propose resolutions or recommendations to the GFO Executive Council, appoint such ad hoc subcommittees and workgroups as may be necessary to pursue its work, and to request such information and assistance as may be necessary in the pursuit of its work.

B. Campus Level Review of Proposals for New Courses & Course Changes:

澳门赌场 CCASC shall review all course changes proposed by the academic units and by the AOC, including the creation of new courses and modification or deletion of exiting courses. It shall consider the general appropriateness of proposed actions in the context of campus-wide programs, services to students, and the campus mission. It will review each course and its preparation for entry into the University of Washington course catalogue, and its final review by the UW Curriculum Committee. When appropriate, it shall return proposals to the originating academic unit with requests for modifications. Upon approval, it shall forward recommendations to the ViceChancellor for Academic Affairs, who then forwards them to the UW Curriculum Committee for final action.

Section 2. Membership

澳门赌场 membership of the CCASC shall consist of one representative elected by each School at UW Bothell and a member from the FYPP AOC elected by the membership of FYPP AOC. 澳门赌场 CCASC may invite representatives from the campus library staff, FYPP staff, and the staff of 澳门赌场 Affairs as non-voting ex-officio members. Deans, associate deans, and division chairs, or other faculty with administrative duties that include faculty personnel decisions beyond those granted to regular faculty shall not be eligible to serve as CCASC members.

CCASC members will be elected for a term of two years and can be elected for a maximum of three consecutive terms, at which point a member cannot be re-elected for one full year. Schools will conduct their CCASC representative elections at the beginning of the Spring quarter and 8 inform the GFO of the results. In the Spring quarter, the CCASC voting members will elect one of their members to serve as the chair for the following year (September 16 through September 15). 澳门赌场 term of all other members shall begin September 16 in the year of their election and end September 15 two years later. During this term in office, members may participate in governance-related activities to represent the interests of faculty during periods outside of their employment contract (e.g., June 16-September 15). However, participation in such governancerelated activities during such off-contract periods is not required or expected.


Section 1. Responsibilities

A. Planning & Budgeting:

澳门赌场 Campus Council on Planning and Budgeting (CCPB) serves as an advisory board to the EC on long-range strategic planning, preparation of budgets, and distribution of funds as they relate to issues of concern to faculty. General responsibilities of the CCPB include:

  1. Providing advice and detailed reviews of planning and budget materials as requested by the GFO Chair and GFO Executive Council;
  2. Preparing detailed budget reviews and/or related process resolutions for submission to the GFO Executive Council;
  3. Appointing ad hoc subcommittees and workgroups as may be required for the effective pursuit of its work;
  4. Providing detailed input on specific budget requests, academic strategy, and long-term campus planning related to campus growth strategies – including enrollment management; procurement of new, and use of, existing facilities; budget reviews of proposed and existing campus Centers, and other planning and budget issues of importance to faculty;
  5. Collaborating with administrative representatives with responsibility and/or expertise in budget processes;
  6. Providing regular updates of the budget process and status to EC;
  7. Inviting representatives of the campus to provide information, discuss issues, and/or provide guidance critical to planning and budgeting; and
  8. Submitting and presenting an Annual Planning and Budget report to the GFO Executive Council – and upon Executive Council approval – provide this report to the GFO membership at-large.
  9. Consultation with the UW Faculty Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting (SCPB) may occur as appropriate to communicate overall University of Washington planning and budgeting strategies.

So that the CCPB can do its work in an efficient and effective manner, it is empowered to propose resolutions or recommendations to the GFO Executive Council, appoint such ad hoc 9 subcommittees and workgroups as may be necessary to pursue its work, and to request such information and assistance as may be necessary in the pursuit of its work.

Section 2. Membership

澳门赌场 CCPB voting membership shall consist of:

  1. 澳门赌场 immediate Past-Chair of the GFO, who also chairs the committee effective September 16 through September 15 if available; otherwise, a chair will be recommended from the membership of CCPB and approved by the EC;
  2. 澳门赌场 Chair of the GFO;
  3. 澳门赌场 Vice-Chair of the GFO;
  4. One representative elected by each School at UW Bothell and one representative from FYPP elected by the membership of FYPP AOC. Each representative will serve a three year term and can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms, at which point the member cannot be re-elected for one full year. 澳门赌场 three-year term begins on September 16 and ends on September 15 three years later. 澳门赌场 Schools and FYPP will conduct their CCPB representative elections at the beginning of the Spring quarter and inform the GFO of the results.

澳门赌场 CCPB may invite the following as non-voting ex-officio members

  • 澳门赌场 UW Bothell Chancellor;
  • 澳门赌场 Vice Chancellor for Administration and Planning;
  • 澳门赌场 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs;
  • Representatives from the Institutional Planning and Budgeting office and the Institutional Research Office
  • A student member nominated by the ASUWB;
  • A member of UW Libraries;
  • A staff member nominated by the General Staff Organization.


Section 1. Responsibilities

  1. Assessment and Learning: 澳门赌场 Campus Council on Assessment and Learning (CCAL) serves as an advisory board to the EC regarding implementation, revision, and assessment of campus-level student learning goals and proficiencies.
  2. Assessment and Learning Reviews: 澳门赌场 CCAL shall provide timely updates and reviews of campus-level student learning goals, processes and outcomes as they relate to the academic mission and goals of UW Bothell and their relationship to the University of Washington at large. It shall compile an annual report on assessment and learning that will be provided to the EC describing assessment and learning issues of interest to EC and the GFO. Consultation with the Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning (FCTL) may occur as appropriate to communicate overall University of Washington assessment and learning strategies and goals. Support may be provided to individual schools and/or the campus at-large in response to accreditation and/or other requests related to the assessment of student learning goals and specific learning objectives.

So that the CCAL can do its work in an efficient and effective manner, it is empowered to propose resolutions or recommendations to the GFO Executive Council, appoint such ad hoc subcommittees and workgroups as may be necessary to pursue its work, and to request such information and assistance as may be necessary in the pursuit of its work.

Section 2. Membership

澳门赌场 membership of the CCAL shall consist of one representative elected by each School at UW Bothell and a member from the FYPP AOC elected by the membership of FYPP AOC. 澳门赌场 Schools and FYPP will conduct their CCAL representative elections at the beginning of the Spring quarter and inform the GFO of the results.

澳门赌场 CCAL may invite the following as non-voting ex-officio members:

  • A campus accreditation liaison
  • As many as two student representatives selected by the ASUWB
  • A representative from the Teaching and Learning Center
  • A representative from the Office of Institutional Research
  • A representative from University Libraries/Learning Technologies
  • A representative from the Advising Council
  • A representative from the General Staff Organization

CCAL members will be elected for a term of two years and can be elected for a maximum of three consecutive terms, at which point a member cannot be re-elected for one full year. In the Spring quarter, the CCAL voting members will elect one of their members to serve as the chair for the following year (September 16 through September 15). Deans, associate deans, and division chairs, or other faculty with administrative duties that include faculty personnel decisions beyond those granted to regular faculty shall not be eligible to serve as voting members of the CCAL. 澳门赌场 terms for elected members shall begin September 16 in the year of their election and end September 15 two years later. During this term in office, members may participate in governance-related activities to represent the interests of faculty during periods outside of their employment contract (e.g., June 16-September 15). However, participation in such governance-related activities during such off-contract periods are not required.


Section 1: GFO Officers

In the event that a GFO officer resigns or cannot complete his or her term, the GFO Executive Council (see Article V, Section 2) shall elect from its membership an interim replacement who shall serve until a special election can be conducted for a permanent replacement. 澳门赌场 special election shall be conducted in the same manner as the election described in Article IV, Section 3 of these bylaws, with the exceptions that the election only pertains to the position for which a replacement is required and that the election is held in a timely manner. 澳门赌场 person elected in the special election shall serve for the remainder of the term of the person whom he or she is replacing; further, the person elected in the special election shall succeed to subsequent offices as described in Article IV, Section 1 of these bylaws.

Section 2: Council Members

In the event that a GFO Council member resigns or cannot complete his or her term, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the respective Council’s bylaws. If an elected Council membership goes unfilled after an election, the chair of the respective Council shall nominate a faculty member to serve for the remainder of the term, with final approval of the nominee resting with the EC.


A quorum for any meeting of the University of Washington Bothell GFO or a faculty council of the GFOshall consist of at least half the voting members of the body.


A proposed action of the University of Washington Bothell GFO under the authority of Sections 23-43 and 23-44 of the Faculty Code is effective if passed by a quorum majority of its voting members.

Quorum majority, as described in Sec. 23-46.A of the Faculty code, means:

  1. In the case of a vote taken at a meeting, a majority of those members voting at a meeting at which at least half the members entitled to vote are present; and
  2. In the case of a vote taken by mailed (written) ballots or electronic ballots, a majority of those voting, provided that at least half of the members entitled to vote have cast ballots.

For voting in a meeting, voting may occur orally, by show of hands, or by ballot. A request may be made by one or more voting members to conduct a vote by secret ballot. This request shall be honored and the vote will be conducted in a manner to ensure confidentiality.


At least one meeting of the faculty shall be held during each academic quarter; in Summer Quarter a meeting shall be held if there is business to conduct. An annual calendar of meeting dates shall be established prior to the beginning of the Autumn Quarter by the EC. Meeting dates will not be changed unless there is a major emergency, with information to the faculty regarding the cause for the change. Special meetings shall be held when called by the EC, when requested by the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, or when requested in writing by 25 percent of the voting membership of the faculty. 澳门赌场 GFO Chair will chair the GFO meeting.

澳门赌场 EC is responsible for developing the agenda and order of business at a general meeting of the faculty. A copy of the agenda shall be distributed to faculty at least two weeks prior to each meeting. In the absence of a quorum, the GFO Meetings may proceed as meetings for information sharing and informal discussions.


澳门赌场se bylaws may be amended at any regularly scheduled faculty meeting by two-thirds vote of those present provided notice of intent is given at the previous regular meeting or when submitted in writing to all faculty at least three weeks prior to the meeting at which action is taken. 澳门赌场 bylaws may be amended by mail or electronic ballot by two-thirds of those voting providing that the requirements for a quorum established in Article XII have been met in the ballots returned and that the proposed changes and rationale have been circulated to all voting faculty at least three weeks prior to the date on which the ballots will be tallied.


Pursuant to section 23-43.C and section 13-24.2 of the Faculty Code, the faculty of the University of Washington Bothell delegates to the faculties of its Schools the following powers and duties:

A. Each School shall, with respect to academic matters:

  1. Determine its requirements for admission and graduation;
  2. Determine its curriculum;
  3. Determine the scholastic standards required of its students;
  4. Recommend to the Board of Regents those of its students who qualify for the University degrees;
  5. Exercise the additional powers necessary to provide adequate instruction and supervision of its students.

B. Each School faculty shall, with respect to personnel matters:

  1. Make recommendations to its Dean in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24 and of Section 25-41 of the Faculty Code.

C. Each school & college shall have the authority to determine

its own organization and rules of procedure consistent with Section 23-45 of the Faculty Code. 澳门赌场 organization and rules of procedure in schools within the University of Washington Bothell shall be subject to review by the GFO Executive Council (23-45.A). Should a school code (or bylaws) be inconsistent with that at the campus level, the latter takes precedence. In cases where a Dean of a school forwards a recommendation to the Chancellor, the Chancellor shall be advised by the GFO Executive Council in accord with Section 13-24.2.