Operating Budget

Annual Report

Each fiscal year, the IPB team prepares an overview of UW Bothell’s operations for the year, including projections and key takeaways for the following year and beyond. This document breaks down sources and uses of funds in our core operations and reinforces our continued effort to provide the campus community with clear and concise budget details in the spirit of transparency.

Responsibility Centered Management

In 2017, University of Washington Bothell launched a comprehensive review of the institutional state budget model. As a result of a 6-month review process, with consultation from campus stakeholders and community at large, the institution chose to change from an incremental budget system to a modified Responsibility Center Management (RCM) model.

After 2+ years of implementation and related policy development to support the new modified RCM model, it was determined that a detailed rebasing process was needed of the Academic Unit RCM structure, to position the Schools and FYPP within an RCM environment that could best support long-term sustainability. 澳门赌场 rebasing process concluded in Fall 2019, resulting in a more dynamic RCM system for the Academic Units, along with identification of policy and process development needs to support the new structure.

Chancellor’s Memo – September 30, 2019

Policies and Decisions

UW employees can find a list of institutional policies and decisions at the IPB SharePoint Wiki (NetID required).