
UW Bothell’s Space Reservation System – 25Live

25Live is UW’s tri-campus application for reserving classrooms and other physical spaces* on campus that provides a quick and easy way to check availability and request space all in one place. To facilitate the transition to 25Live, self-paced training is available through UWB’s Space Reservation webpage. To reserve event space in 25Live, you will need to complete the training.

Requesting space for your FTE-funded course

All UW Bothell faculty should contact their school’s Time Schedule Coordinator to request a classroom or lab space for their upcoming course. Your Time Schedule Coordinator will work with the Registrar to coordinate your room request. 澳门赌场s cannot request space for an FTE-funded course. 澳门赌场 request must be made by the faculty to the Time Schedule Coordinator,

Requesting space for your upcoming event

I would like to submit a reservation request for…

Requesting a Library study room

澳门赌场s looking to book a study room in the Campus Library can view more information on the Campus Library Study Room Reservation webpage.

For more information about 25Live and to complete the required training, please visit UWB’s Space Reservation webpage.

*Note: This does not include Library spaces.