澳门赌场 in Distress

澳门赌场 in Distress – Emergency Guide

What is the situation?

A student of concern is any student who is displaying behaviors that may get in the way of a student’s ability to be successful in the university environment. Other times, behaviors are being noticed by many members of our community and creating a significant amount of concern. This could mean a student experiencing crisis, displaying odd or unusual behavior, engaging in behaviors that are perceived to be harmful (to themselves or others), or behaviors that may be deemed academically damaging.

What should I do?

Some Behavior Types and what to do: Behavior Types

Emergency situations

If you are in contact with a student who appears to be an immediate threat to his or her own safety or that of others, call 911. Crisis situations include:

  • Stated intention to commit suicide or inflict serious harm to self.
  • Stated intention or obvious behavior indicating an imminent threat to harm others.

Non-emergency situations

If the student does not pose an immediate threat to self or other, but exhibits behavior revealing a potential for harm, you can make a referral in one of the following ways:

  • SafeCampus: 206-685-SAFE (7233)
  • Care Team
  • Campus Safety: 425-352-5359