Geovany Denicia

Senior Financial Analyst

Geovany was born and raised in Los Angeles. Unlike most of his peers, Geovany took a year and half off after high school to work and help his family financially. He never knew if and when he would return to school. It was the mentorship and encouragement of the right people which helped him start at Cypress College and then transfer to the University of Southern California (USC). Geovany is a first generation college student and understands the obstacles and challenges first gen students face. While completing his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, he interned for two summers at Wells Fargo. Ultimately, he decided to leave sunny Los Angeles to start his career at Microsoft in their Finance Rotation Program. His experience and skillset includes financial services, gaming finance, strategic management, and business leadership.

Geovany on mentorship

I have always felt in debt to the mentors which guided me and gave me their advice. One of them told me the best way to ‘return’ the favor is to pay it forward and mentor others. I’m excited to connect with students whom maybe facing similar obstacles I overcame. I want to impart my experience but also learn from all my mentees.

Some topics I’m excited to mentor student in include:

  • Interview and career guidance
  • Public speaking and executive presence
  • Building the right resume for the career/job you’re interested in applying for

Favorite books

  • On Writing Well by William Zinsser
    • I recommend this book to anyone who will need to write in their career.?
    • Most of the writing university students do for their academic papers don’t carry over when you need to send a concise email or financial report. In this book, Zinsser writes on principles, methods and forms the writer needs to deliver a clear written message.
    • Some of his ideas are:
      • Reducing clutter and fluff in sentences
      • Redundant words to avoid and remove from your writing
  • Origin of Inspiration by Sam Adoquei
    • While the book was written for artists in mind, Adoquei makes the argument we all benefit from finding inspiration in our work and working to inspire others. This is one of my favorite lines from this book:

      “Change for the sake of change is the greatest license for the incompetent….Timeless art, timeless beauty and noble ideas that provide enduring inspirations come from nature, life, innovation and invention.”