Timothy Cotton

Senior Tax Associate
Sweeney Conrad, P.S.

After spending 6 years in the US Army I decided to make the transition out of military service. I attended Cascadia Community College immediately after leaving the military and it was during my time there that I found out I liked accounting. I transferred to the University of Bothell to finish my undergrad. During my time there I participated in BAP and had the opportunity to intern at Sweeney Conrad, P.S., a mid-size CPA firm in Kirkland. I received a full-time offer with their tax department immediately following my internship. I have been with Sweeney Conrad for 3.5 years now and I am currently a Senior Tax Associate.

Connect with Timothy on LinkedIn.

Timothy on mentorship

My transition out of the Army was very successful, and a large part of that was due to having mentors and other individuals who helped me along the way. I would like to assist UWB students, especially veterans, with achieving their goals and making successful transition from student life into their chosen careers.

Specialty topics

  • Getting an Internship
  • Networking
  • Taking Advantage of career opportunities
  • Managing stress and resiliency during tough times

Favorite books and learning resources

  • Why Most Things Fail by Paul Ormerod
  • 澳门赌场 Ends of 澳门赌场 Earth: A Journey to the Frontiers of Anarchy by Robert D. Kaplan
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

Fun Facts

I have traveled to 25 countries and hopefully more soon!