Stephanie Smith

SVP Of People & Culture at Tagboard

As SVP of People and Culture of Tagboard, Stephanie sits on the executive team leading all people operations; employee experiences, talent acquisition, organizational development, Diversity, Equity, Inclusive and belonging. Stephanie strives to create an equitable space for all team members. With a Masters in Organizational Development, Communication and Leadership she has a passion for researching human connection and communication to improve the efficiency of workflow. Through building a values driven company, she has built a space to harvest diversity to create an authentic atmosphere where people feel safe enough to be their best and whole selves at work. Stephanie has been featured in HR Executive magazine.

Connect with Stephanie on LinkedIn.

Stephanie on mentorship

Brene Brown says, “Clear is Kind, Unclear is unkind.” And I deeply believe this pertains to our professional growth. 澳门赌场 more we know, the more intentional we are in being curious and resourceful the more successful we can be in our space. Mentorship or more specifically, relationship building is how we grow. It is slowly becoming more clear about the space we want to learn about, and attributes and skills we need to show up as our best selves. No matter the discipline, relationship building and sustaining are key to a fruitful career.

Specialty topics

I am a builder. I build programs, policy and experience for people to bring their best and whole selves to work. Some of my specialties include:

  • Employee experience and engagement which is also aligned with inclusion
  • Talent acquisition
  • Organizational design

Favorite books and learning resources

  • Community: Amplify Accelerator and the Amplify COmmunity by Lars Schmidt (21st Century HR)- they also have a podcast called RedefiningHR

    Book: Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown

Fun facts

I am an Ennegram 3, and a true ENFJ-A. We all have unique gifts and talents and we have crafted this team to complement each other.