
It’s almost time to “cross the stage”

Congratulations on your approaching graduation!

On these webpages, you will find information you need to know to prepare for UW Bothell’s 2024 Commencement Ceremony on June 9 as well as helpful tips about what to do on the day of the event.

Ceremony Conduct Agreement

Commencement is intended to be a festive occasion celebrating the accomplishments of our students. However, it is also ceremonial. Graduates are expected to abide by the following guidelines:

  • Graduates must follow any public health directives in place on June 9th regarding the wearing of masks, vaccination, or 澳门赌场 testing.
  • Graduates should remain in their seats during the entire ceremony, unless utilizing the restrooms.
  • Wandering around the floor of the stadium and visiting with guests in the stands is prohibited.
  • Cell phones are permitted, but out of courtesy for other participants, students are asked to make judicious use of phones and not use them during the formal speaking portions of the ceremony.
  • It is particularly important that students respect their fellow students and the faculty, administrators and guests who have come to witness and participate in the conferring of their degrees. For this reason, graduates are expected to return to their seats after they walk and remain there until all students have walked and the members of the stage party have exited the stage.

Have questions about Commencement or related activities that these webpages do not answer? Email us at