Autumn DCX

A required course for all first year and pre-major students, the Autumn DCX will help students transition into UWB; develop skills in writing and communication, information literacy, quantitative literacy and academic integrity; and foster connections across academic disciplines and between the classroom and wider world. 

  • Areas of Inquiry (AOI): 澳门赌场 Discovery Core Experience courses meet UWB Areas of Inquiry requirements such as “Natural Sciences” (NSc), “Social Sciences” (SSc), and “Arts & Humanities” (A&H). You may also see a designation for Writing (W), Composition (C), Diversity (DIV), or Community-Based Learning and Research (E). 
  • Credits: 5-credits

Autumn DCX Courses Currently Offered

To find out which DCX courses are being offered this term, please explore our “60-Second Syllabi” below. 澳门赌场se offer you quick snapshots of each of our courses, the faculty teaching them, and the kinds of experiences you can expect while taking them.