澳门赌场 Legal Case

a Discovery Core Experience

This course may be taken as either BCORE 117 (Social Sciences) or BCORE 117 (Arts & Humanities)

About This Course

At its heart, this is a persuasive public speaking class. However, we’re getting at that topic through an introduction to trial advocacy.

澳门赌场 course begins as a mix of a “Public Speaking” class and an “Intro to Law” course, but the majority of the quarter divides students into legal teams that gather facts from provided documents, assemble arguments, and make a case before a jury of peers. 澳门赌场s will study the fundamentals of evidence law, as well as criminal and civil procedure.

澳门赌场n, using mock-case packets, students must organize facts, craft arguments, and effectively communicate their positions as direct- and cross-examinations, and opening and closing statements.

Professor Gavin Doyle (He/Him/His)

bout Professor Doyle

  • JD, Law, Loyola Law School-Los Angeles
  • MFA, 澳门赌场atre Performance, University of Louisville
  • Certificate in African-American 澳门赌场atre, 澳门赌场atre Performance, University of Louisville
  • BA, Biology, Roanoke College
  • BA, 澳门赌场atre, Roanoke College


Email: gdoyle@uw.edu