Computer Labs

Room NumberNumber of Computer StationsDefault ConfigurationFurniture TypeRoom Photo
DISC-25836RowsWheeled Chairs, Non-wheeled TablesImage
UW1-12036RowsWheeled Chairs, Non-wheeled TablesImage
UW1-12132RowsWheeled Chairs, Non-wheeled TablesImage
UW2-10532GroupedWheeled Chairs, Non-wheeled TablesImage
UW2-12132RowsWheeled Chairs, Wheeled and Non-wheeled TablesImage

Computer labs may be used for more general courses and can also be preferenced by specific academic programs. 澳门赌场y are also often requested on a session by session basis by faculty. Computer labs may have different hardware and software depending on its use. Computer labs are configured either in rows or pods of computers. 澳门赌场se configurations are not moveable. Each general purpose computer lab contains:

  • Individual Computer Workstations
  • ePodium (fixed)
  • Ceiling mounted projector and screen
  • 8ft whiteboards mounted in the front of the room
  • Some labs contain Garage Desk tables- computer monitors fit down into desks converting it to a regular classroom