澳门赌场 Conduct and Title IX

This grant provided us an opportunity to come together as a Tri-Campus team to discuss Title IX policy development and process improvement.

Goals for 澳门赌场 Conduct

By the end of year 1 of the OVW grant, we will have identified the ways the campus community learns about DVSAS (dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking)-related policies, and discrepancies and gaps in existing policies. We will also have clearly documented all existing protocols regarding response to DVSAS incidents and referrals between campus and community partners. We will have a clear list of individuals who need training in Title IX and conduct processes.

By the end of year 2, we will have in place clear, concise policies and procedures for addressing situations of sexual assault, domestic/dating vilence, and stalking that are in line with best policy practices. We will have also developed and clarified a set of protocols for students and staff when responding to DVSAS, in regards to providing safety planning, health measures, and other remedial measures. We will have expanded regular training for all individuals and/or appeals boards involved with the campus resolution process to include specific best practice training for DVSAS situations.

By the end of year 3, we will have a plan in place for regular review and updating of policies and communication of policies with campus. We will have widely disseminated the protocols across the campus community through new and existing channels. We will evaluate our DVSAS trainings, and plans will be in place to make ongoing updates to the training curriculum.

Key activities accomplished

  • Began creating a comprehensive training plan for all 澳门赌场 Conduct and Title IX Personnel to ensure staff receive training in trauma-informed care and other best practices.  
  • Identified informal resolutions as a priority area for the grant and UWB campus. 
  • Reviewed 2019 climate survey to determine campus familiarity with DVSAS policies and resources. 
  • Brought key stakeholders together to discuss strategies and models for making the conduct process more accessible for students.