Fall Convergence eBooks

Starting in 2021, we inaugurated a publication series in concert with the Fall Convergence on Poetics that features creative prompts provided by our speakers. Designed to share creative process and inspire our community to keep making work, these freely-available ebooks are designed by MFA students and used in our graduate and undergraduate classes.

Fall Convergence 2022: 10 Years of Convergence—澳门赌场 MFA Celebrates

In 2022, we celebrated 10 years since the founding of the MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics with our first-ever alumni reunion and a Fall Convergence under the theme “10 Years of Convergence: 澳门赌场 MFA Celebrates.” Bringing together speakers whose visits have left an indelible mark on our community and highlighting the work of our alumni in publication and community-building, the Fall Convergence panels were structured around dialogue to reveal the lineages and interconnections that keep poetics vibrant. In the spirit of connection and community, we once again asked our featured speakers to lend us a prompt that will keep us writing in the decade to come.

Featuring prompts from: Andrea Abi-Karam, Kazim Ali, Rebecca Brown, Yanara Friedland, Jen/Eleana Hofer, Valerie Hsiung, Philip Metres, Tracie Morris, and Cecilia Vicu?a.

Designed by Bujinlkham Erdenebaatar (2023)

Fall Convergence 2021: Rituals & Provocations

In 2021, we converged around the theme of “Memory and Memorial” to ask Where and how are memories made? and to explore how writers and artists draw on memory in creative acts of resistance that constitute new kinds of memorial to acknowledge both individual and

communal loss. Rather than using writing and performance to retrieve and document stored memory, these modes can be investigative, dialogic, permeable, and circular.

Featuring prompts from: Jordan Abel, Anida Yoeu Ali, Purvi Shah & Tamiko Beyer, Naomi Macalalad Bragin, CAConrad, Malkia Devich Cyril, Krista Franklin, Larissa Lai, Philip Metres, Deborah A. Miranda, Stephanie Segura, Jake Skeets, Aisha Sabatini Sloan, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Kai Cheng Thom, Divya Victor, and L. Lamar Wilson.

Designed by Madison Nikfard (2022)